On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> On 22 Aug 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > Hi,
> > >>"Ricardo" == Ricardo Muggli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Ricardo> This may be off the debian-specific topic but.. I have a
> > Ricardo> mirror process that has been going for a long time. I would
> > Ricardo> like to kill it but it seems to be really stubborn. I have
> > Ricardo> tried : kill -9 pidhere but nothing happens to the
> > Ricardo> process. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to kill the
> > Ricardo> process?
> > 
> >     This is very wrong. No matter what happens, a kill -9 should
> >  kill the process. Are there any other signs of a kernel malfunction?
> >  (You may want to reboot). If it happens again, could you supply the
> >  versions of the kernel and of mirror?
> Just a thought, check that you are root, perhaps you do not have
> permissions and kill is silently failing. Also check the state of the
> process, I know on QNX the OS does not like to kill HELD (SIGSTOP)
> processes and generally requires you SIGCONT them first.
> If anything kill -9 should ensure the process never gets another CPU
> cycle, it should die the next time it is schedualed to run, if it never
> runs then it may not be able to handle the signal, depends exactly on how
> linux's priorities end up working.. Check you haven't got a cpu intensive
> process running someplace too..

How about doing a ps and check its status?  If its blocking
for I/O or a lock or something, its not going to wake up for
any signal except the one that tells it its resource is
ready for it.  If the status is D, its blocking.  I'm sure
there must be some way to gdb a running kernel into
"removing" the process and have init (or the parent) 
reap its data structures, but I don't know of it off hand.
If anyone has any ADB macros to do this on Solaris, let me



"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
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Richard G. Roberto

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