
I managed to install StarOffice via its own installation routine, but
not via the Debian installer package.

If I try dpkg-i-ing the installer packages it fails to find the
StarOffice *.tar.gz files. But this files are in the same directory I
started the installation from.

Where do I have to put the archive files if not in the active
directory? Should I put them into /tmp? If yes, can I remap /tmp to
another already existing partition? /tmp is laying on a 50MB root
partition which is maybe 50% full and doesnt have enough space to hold
all the needed archives.

I use the static linked StarOffice binaries. Is there any way to use
the dynamic linked one other than buying Motif?

Is there any way to speed up starting of StarOffice application
without plugging more memory into the computer? I am using a 486 and
16 MB of RAM. Hopefully I will get another 16 MB, but God knows when.
That might stop swapping.

|_| _ |o _  _  Martin Steigerwald
| |(/_||(_)_>  http://home.pages.de/~helios

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