Sounds like a job for fetchmail.

Will Lowe wrote:
> Ok,  again,  now that I'm back at school,  I'd like to have all my
> email/news reading be local,  on my debian box,  rather than on the
> central servers.  I can forward mail via .forward or .maildelivery (on two
> different systems).
> The problem is this:  my machine is (unfortunately) still running Win95 on
> (rare) occaisions,  and is also prone to the power outages caused by the
> microwaves of the other residents.  In essence,  I need a way for my
> machine to receive mail when booted to debian,  but not have that mail
> get lost if the system is down (which,  over breaks,  etc.,  can mean a
> week or more of downtime).  I've thought of two solutions,  but maybe
> someone else has another way.
> Solutions:
> 1)  Forward mail to my machine (rivendell) by forwarding it all to one of
> my remote accounts,  and setting up a system that,  when rivendell boots,
> logs onto the remote account and replaces the .maildelivery with one that
> forwards mail to rivendell,  reinstating the original .maildelivery when
> rivendell goes to shutdown.
> 2) Set up a cron-driven sort of thing that (every five minutes,  or
> whatever) rcp's my /var/spool/mail/~user file from each of several hosts,
> appending them all to /var/spool/mail/harpo on rivendell.
> Any suggestions,  comments,  or other thoughts?  Is there a package to do
> this automagically?
>                                                         Will
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>                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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