Hi all! 

        A few days ago I tried to upgrade my Debian 1.2 -> 1.3.1
(According to Linux System Labs). As a matter of fact, I just upgraded
some of the packages. Among theses, I upgraded X11, thinking that I was
taking care of everything... I upgraded xbase and xserver_s3 and all other
X related stuff, run shadowconfig on; shadowconfig off (I didn't want
shadow passwds) and, til what I saw, all config files had remained
unchanged... (or moved to *.old, what meant nothing, once diff showed that
they were equal). I reboot the system to see what happened and !!! XDM
hangs !!! I simply can't login. Well, after a while, I was able to login
(not via XDM) and I tried to figure out what that was (with no success).
The only different thing I saw was that /etc/xdm as calling xdm-shadow,
and so I moved it back to cal xdm. By the way, I can only login in text
        Well, I sorry if it has already been discussed in here, but all I
have seen around was something about shadowconfig on and off (or only on),
and all would be nice...

        Any help is VERY, VERY much appreciated.

        Thanks in advance,


Daniel Doro Ferrante        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator        http://www.cecm.usp.br/~danieldf

CECM - Curso Experimental de Ciencias Moleculares - USP
       Experimental Course of Molecular Sciences - University of Sao Paulo

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