Just recently, I've implemented an ISDN connection to my ISP.  However, I've
never been able to use more than one of the B channels at a time - i.e. no

I'm using a Hayes Accura ISDN External TA attached to a Hayes ESP running at
460Kbps.  I've only been able to get the connection working using the V.120

I've been talking with my ISP.  They tell me that I won't be able to
"bundle" B channels using the V.120 (ATB20) asynchronous protocol and that
I'm going to have to use PPP Async-Sync (ATB40) in order to establish a
synchronous PPP connection.  They tell me that they support this without any
problems; however, I'm going to have to use PAP rather than CHAP

The problem here is that I've never used PAP.  I've tried many various
things to get this working, but I haven't been successful so far.  I've been
reading the PPP-Howto and the PPP docs; however, they seem to deal mostly
with configuring *incoming* PAP authentication and don't get into any great
detail on setting up PAP for outgoing PPP connections.

I've configured /etc/ppp/pap-secrets as per the PPP-Howto.  I think it's now
a matter of getting the pppd options right.  Right now, in testing, I'm
using minicom to establish the connection, doing Ctrl-A Q to exit without
reset, and then running:

pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyP40 user <name-from-pap-secrets> &

This is an example of my /var/log/ppp.log entry for this pppd session:
(It's probably pretty broken up due to line lengths....)  I've included
comments as to my understanding of what is happening throughout the log

Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: pppd 2.2.0 started by admin, uid 0
Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyP40
Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500>
<asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xf0af33b0> <pcomp> <accomp>]

^^^  It looks like I'm requesting PAP in the line above, doesn't it?

Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <pcomp>

^^^ The remote end doesn't like pcomp and accomp.... (What are these

Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1500>
<asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xf0af33b0>]

^^^ Here, my end is requesting the same as the first time, only without
pcomp and accomp....  Right?

Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 <asyncmap 0x0>
<auth pap> <magic 0x891e22fb>]

^^^ Is this the other end requesting that I use PAP too?  Or just
acknowledging receipt of my request?

Aug 27 14:46:46 sally pppd[13583]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 <asyncmap 0x0>
<auth pap> <magic 0x891e22fb>]

^^^ This looks like me sending an Ack on the PAP request....

Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x2 <auth chap md5>]

^^^ And then, is this the remote end sending me a Nak on my request for CHAP
authentication?  I haven't requested CHAP to this point - I'm wondering if
I'm somehow sending clear text across the synchronous link that the remote
end is taking to mean that I want to authenticate using CHAP....???  Your

Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 <mru 1500>
<asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xf0af33b0>]
Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 <mru 1500>
<asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xf0af33b0>]

As far as I can tell, these lines are just the two ends agreeing to use an
mru of 1500.... ???

Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: peer refused to authenticate
Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4]
Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: Modem hangup
Aug 27 14:46:47 sally pppd[13583]: Connection terminated.

Below occurred after I did a "kill 13583" to kill the "hung" pppd process.

Aug 27 14:47:35 sally pppd[13583]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 27 14:47:35 sally pppd[13583]: Failed to open /dev/ttyP40: Interrupted
system call
Aug 27 14:47:35 sally pppd[13583]: Exit.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (604) 882-8169

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