( Re Message From: Scott Hanson )
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter S Galbraith) writes:
> > Can they import and create Word documents?
> > That's *my* problem.  The rest of the Department expects me to provide
> > Word documents.  If I could do that in Linux using StarOffice
> > or Applixware, I'd never need Windows.
> Applixware can import and export Word 6 (among other formats). I've
> just started working with Applixware, so I'm not sure what problems
> (if any) there are passing documents back and forth.
> Scott
> -- 
> Scott Hanson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Johmsweg 9a, D-21266 Jesteburg, Germany    PGP Key ID: 90A8A14D
> work: Inter-Research Science Publisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It can even be problematic exporting Word to Word: if there's some subtle
difference in the other guy's setup then you can have trouble (especially
if it's a different version of Word). Even so I reckon it's safest to
handle like with like.

However, I'd be most interested to hear of experience with Applixware
(and what about StarOffice?).

Ted.                                    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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