On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Volker Bauer wrote:

> Hi,
> finally I have now Debian installed after putting a simple "/" to the
> question were is my top level located. Now I wonder why the X-Server
> doesn't run (3D Virge) although I installed the particiular server, just
> it runs in vga16 mode. How can I configure X? (xconfig or make xconfig
> doesn't work)

Copy /etc/X11/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config.old and then run
xbase-configure. It would be a good idea to have the XF86_VGA16 server
installed and the entry in /etc/X11/Xserver should declare it the server.
(You can change this back to the actual server after the configuration is
complete. The xbase-configure dialog box doesn't run with all servers. It
does run with the vga-16 server.

> As well how can I integrate all X-programms and games on the X-screen?
> There is currently just the desktop and a shell for input.
This is a minimal window manager (twm?) of which there are many choices. I
use olvwm but fvwm2 seems to be the most popular at the moment. 

> Sorry for these questions - I'm brandnew to Debian and Linux. I checked
> some Faq's but didn't find the proper answers. 
Don't be sorry ;-) this is the right place to ask. Welcome to Debian!

> As well I got some problems while installing Netscape. It didn't worked
> although I made the selection in dselect. I always got errormessages
> until I unselceted Netscape. Is there a known bug?
The only thing that Debian can package is an installer. You will need to
download the tar.gz file from Netscape and place it in /tmp so the
installer can find it. (I believe I did this with lynx package, in the web


_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
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