I am working on getting everything configured after having to rebuild
my debian partition over the weekend. I am sure there are a few more
things to work on, but the one that keeps hounding me is a persistent
error message I receive from sendmail.

In booting the init script gets to starting sendmail and then hangs
there for a couple minutes (haven't timed, but I know I can go away
for a little while and still see it hanging in mid-boot).

I hear my diald kick in and dial-wait-logoff twice before things
finally get going again.

Then when I look at the mail.err log this is what I see:
Sep  8 14:55:07 gently sendmail[897]: My unqualified host name (gently) 
unknown; sleeping for retry
Sep  8 14:56:07 gently sendmail[897]: unable to qualify my own domain name 
(gently) -- using short name

The error message is repeated about every half hour (when I have a
fetchmail routine set up.)

If this goes out, I know that it set up to work, but the hanging and
the error messages are a sign that something isn't right.

I can't find this addressed in any of the sendmail documents on the
www.sendmail.org site so am unsure if it is really a sendmail problem
or a problem with misconfiguring my debian box.

Can anyone help?


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