I am for the first time trying to use bibtex.   

When I am trying to run bibtex on the following file (I deleted
nonrelevant lines) 
Moenie dieselfde gebed oor en oor bid nie. \cite[]{Mostert:1992}
The following .bbl-file was produced

Mostert, B.,  \harvardyearleft 1992\harvardyearright{}.
\newblock \emph{Geestelike Oorlogvoering}.
\newblock Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy, Vereeniging.

resulting in the error message:
ERROR: LaTeX Error: File `babelbst.tex' not found.

--- TeX said ---

There is no `babelbst.tex' file on my system.

How can I solve this problem?


Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310

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