Manuel Sickert wrote:
> I posted this question to the german user list too, no answers.
> I'll try it again here.
> The problem is, that xman doesn't find the X11 and related
> man pages. All the other manpages are displayed correctly.
> The X11R6 man directory is in the MANPATh:
> ~$ manpath
> /usr/local/qt/man:/usr/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/X11R6/man

This doesn't mean the man directories are in $MANPATH. The manpath 
manual page states that manpath command will print out a warning if the 
user has MANPATH defined.

However, xman command looks for the MANPATH environment variable to 
find out where to look for manual pages. If no MANPATH is set it will 
default to /usr/man and the X etc. man pages are not shown.

After you do something like
  export MANPATH=`manpath`
xman will find all the manual pages the usual man command finds. A 
better way would probably be to make an alias or shell wrapper for xman

I just tried this alias and it seems to work. It will set MANPATH for 
xman but leave it unset for man and other commands.
  alias xman='(export MANPATH=`manpath`; xman)' 

How I understand this mess is that man(1) is smart and does not need 
MANPATH (it will use it if the user sets it). xman(1x) is not so smart 
and needs MANPATH set or else only /usr/man is seen.

See the relevant man pages man(1), manpath(1) and xman(1) for more details.

I hope this helps.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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