> I keep getting e-mail through Juno from my boyfriend who is on an aircraft
> carrier.  The last time, I used uuencode.  This time it says base64.  Can you
> tell my why they are coming to me encoded.  Also, is there an easy way for me
> to decode this message.  The uuencode doesn't work.  Maybe it is just me, I
> am not familiar with this stuff.

He's mailing his messages using MIME - which is typically used for mailing
attachments.  Some mailers (including Netscape 4) send out all their 
mail in MIME encoded form (unless told not to).

To decode the messages, the best bet is to use a mail program that 
understands MIME.  Failing that, you can use mimedecode (from the
mimedecode Debian package) to decode it.


 - Jim

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