Chi Yung YUEN wrote:
> I tried to install Debian 1.3.1. I got "cannot initialize swap partition"
> error and it stopped the installation.  I've already tried 3 rescue disks.
> I don't know what went wrong. Can anybody help?
> I'm using Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI card, Quantum Viking 4.3G HD.

I've had a lot of trouble with the debian rescue disk and the 2940. It
seems, that the 2940 is confused by the autoprobe procedure of the
debian kernel on the rescue disk (RedHat, Caldera, Suse and Slackware
haven't any problems with this card). The 'cannot initialize ...' error
message may be a follow up error.

I solved my problems by compiling a specific kernel (with another
distribution), copied it to the rescue disk und proceeded sucessfully.

Have a nice day and good luck.


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