On 18-Sep-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Has anyone tried to compile and successfully tried to compile KDE?  Its a
>new windows manager which is still in alpha testing stage, but looks
>nice... if u have, could u please tell me what order u compiled the
>packages in and what u developer source u have installed on your system.

On the KDE Webserver there are several Debian-Packages - but they are a little
bit outdated. I ´debianized´ the current public version (0.11.00) with no 
problems. I don´t know, if I hit exactly the DebianFSS, but the directories my
installation uses are quite resonable.

If there´s interest I can ask the KDE-people to upload my DebianPackages.



PS: I compiled the packages with no problems at all. The order is kdesupport,
    kdelibs, kdebase and then anything you like (kdeapps is a good start).
    I´m using a normal Debian 1.3 release.

Tobias Bachmor +++ Bismarckstrasse 2b +++ 76131 Karlsruhe
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