If you haven't fixed your problem, I can help you. Just send us what
your able to see from DOS (with DOS FDISK) and/or from linux with 
cfdisk and with fdisk if you have it on your system (they do not present
the same information as far as I remember).

Just a comment to what Bruce said:

> I think DOS cares which partition is the extended one. I think it 
> wants it to be partition 4, but I'm not sure I remember that 
> correctly.

I don't think that's true. Maybe "MS-DOS" FDISK cares about that 
but not MS-DOS. I mean, I have tried and used many different
configurations of extended partition where the extended partition
has been the 1 the 2 or whatever you want. 

Comment: in fact we should be more specific as what's the meaning of
1st, 2nd..... as you could write the information about the 2nd 
partition (not starting at the first cyilinder) in the 1st line of 
your partition table. IN any case I thing there is no such a limitation
from the MS-DOS side.

What MS-DOS FDISK cannot handle is to create more than one FAT 
_primary_ partitions. If one already exists then it allows you 
to create an extended one only. 

There is however an old good DOS application which is more flexible 
than MS FDISK and has been long used by the BSD people. Its name is
PFDISK and can be found (both source and DOS binary) in for example
NetBSD ftp under the tools tree (check out www.NetBSD.org).
PFDISK would also allow you to modify (save first a copy of your 
PT from within PFDISK writing to a file in the DOS partition)
the master partition table. This master partition table 
contains info of only 4 partitions and it is located at the 
"beginning" of your HD. I can help you with more details if you need.

FYI, I also had several primary DOS partitions. MS-DOS sees them all.
I've done it on my system with both versions 5.0 and 6.x of MS-DOS. 
If your unseable DOS partitions were primary (just check what cfdisk
sees as DOS partitions: if they are on /dev/?daN with "?" = "s" or "h"
and "N" > 4,  then they were logical partitions in the extended
partition; else if N<5 they were primary partitions and (forget FDISK)
you could recover them with DOS PFDISK and the info you got from 
linux cfdisk/fdisk (I can help you if you need it).

Hope this helps and that it is not too late.


Lazaro D. Salem                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RF-Rogaland Research               Phone: +47 51 87 50 00
P.O.Box 2503, Ullandhaug          Direct: +47 51 87 50 65
N-4004 Stavanger, NORWAY             Fax: +47 51 87 52 00

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