In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit fdisk vs cfdisk question.]

: Now I have /home on a very large separate primary partition, and /usr/local
: on another fairly large partition.  However, I linked /usr/src to the
: directory (in a logical partition mounted as /usr2) /usr2/src.  Is there
: something special I can do so this is transparent to the ls and dir
: commands?  When I type "dir /usr/src" I get a nice listing of the link, but
: when I type "dir /usr/src/" a listing is printed.  This seems lit must be an
: FAQ, and I apologize, but I haven't run across it.

I don't know about dir but this behaviour from ls -al is a feature.

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit logical partition q.]

: Alan

I hope somebody else can answer your other questions, as I don't know.



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