Addressed to: Jose Oncina Carratala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

** Reply to note from Jose Oncina Carratala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 20 Sep 
1997 13:25:01 +0200
> Lawrence Lucier wrote:
> > Howdy all...........:-)
> >
> > Picked up the following files:
> >
> >  9-18-97   2:24p   1474560          42  base14-1.bin
> >  9-18-97   2:28p   1474560          42  base14-2.bin
> >  9-18-97   2:27p   1474560          42  base14-3.bin
> >  9-18-97   2:23p   1299456          42  base14-4.bin
> >  9-18-97  12:05p   1474560          42  drv1440.bin
> >  9-18-97  11:14a     50556           0  install.txt
> >  9-18-97   1:08p     17863          42  rawrite2.exe
> >  9-18-97  12:10p   1474560          42  resc1440.bin
> >
> > Followed the directions layed out in install.txt to make the boot, rescue, 
> > base, and driver
> > floppies using rawrite2.exe.  Didn't appear to be any problems involved 
> > with generating the
> > floppies.
> >
> > Have run through the install proceedure three times now, ending up with the 
> > same problem(s) each
> > time:
> >
> > The following error message is generated when the installation program is 
> > setting up Debian so
> > that it can be booted from the harddrive:
> >
> >  sbin/dinstall: /target/sbin/lilo:  not found
> >
> > When exiting the installation program upon completing the setup, the setup 
> > program asks if the
> > user wants the system rebooted.........when I answer yes, all that happens 
> > is a couple of lines
> > of text stating "Closing xxxxx files" etc.  The reboot does not take 
> > place......the computer is
> > just left hanging there displaying those lines of text.
> >
> > When I try using the boot floppy disk (NOT the rescue disk), the boot 
> > appears to proceed
> > correctly but again I am left with a hung screen.........the driver text 
> > info is displayed as
> > it's being loaded but then I can proceed no further. (Keyboard is 
> > functional as I can still type
> > but commands are not being processed.)
> >
> > Any thoughts on why these things are occuring would be greatly 
> > appreciated......thanks! :-)
> I had a similar problem, some times it said:
>   sbin/dinstall: /target/sbin/lilo:  not found
> other times it said:
>   open /boot/boot.b : No such file or directory
> and other times:
>   Error in archive format.
> I tried a lot of things but I soved the problem changing the hard disk.
> In order to be sure of that I used the "badblocks" command with the options 
> "-sw"
> over the partition where I was instaling the Linux and it found a lot of 
> badblocks.

Howdy.........thanks for the comeback on this! :-)  My harddrives fine (touch 
<grin>).....seems I can't even boot from the floppy that the rescue disk makes 
during the
install. :(  Oh well, will keep plugging away at it.........I also tried 
installing FreeBDS's
install disk but it would also hang until I found out I had to disable if I could
only get the ruddy term program to work (seems a major point of contention with 

Thanks again for your response and will ttyl.........:-)

"It's A Magical World, Hobbes, Ol' Buddy... ...Let's Go Exploring !"

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