From: Jack Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> At least 30,000 accounts can be supported. I've never heard of anyone
>> actually having that many.

> Well, Suns (under Solaris) support 32-bit uids, so the limit there could
> be much higher.  Bruce's answer seems to imply that Debian uses 16-bit
> uids.  Can someone tell me if that's true or not?  Just curious.

They are unsigned 16-bit for now. That means 65K maximum. I think the
data-type is specified by POSIX, so you'd need an alternate interface to
use 32-bit ones. I said 30,000 because I don't know if all tools treat them
as unsigned. I don't know if LIBC 6 addresses 32-bit UIDs and GIDs. When you
get to 80K users, one would hope you have a hashed password file rather than
the flat file we currently use.

All of this is fix-able, without too much trouble, if someone is motivated.

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Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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