> Some where I once saw a c/c++ to LaTex tool that would 
> take as input a source file and produce a .tex file.  
> If I remember right it would do some pretty formatting of the
> syntax.
> Does any one know what this package might be and where it might
> be found?  I have looked in a couple of archives and have not
> been able to find it.

There's lgrind and vgrind, but I found their output unsatisfactory.

There's C++2LaTeX, found on CTAN.  They're at v1.1.  I have a patched
version (the plain 1.1 didn't recognize // comments properly), and it
yields pretty nice output.  However, I haven't debianized it.  If
anyone is interested, I can try to figure out where the thing is on
CTAN so someone can debianize the thing, or I can try doing a
quick-and-dirty .deb with debmake.

Otherwise, if you're the only one interested, I can send you the
patched source or the binary, as you wish.

Benoit Goudreault-Emond
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