On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Dima wrote:

> Bruce Perens wrote:
>  > Never mind my previous answer. Tell dselect:
>  > 
>  > Enter Debian Directory: /pub/debian/dists/unstable
>  > 
>  > Distributions to get: main contrib non-free
> ( this should probably go to developers list )
> Bruce, it doesn't work.  It'll either find packages files during Access
> and Update steps, and then fail on Install, or it'll fail on Access/Update,
> depending on how you specify Deb Dir and distributions.  I tried all possible
> combinations and ended up hacking dpkg-ftp.

But I use it with a not-hacked dpkg-ftp and it works. What I use:

Debian dir: /pub/debian
(or whatever directory has the bo and hamm dirs in it)

Dists: stable non-free contrib dists/unstable/main dists/unstable/non-free 

Have you tried this one? Works for me (dpkg-ftp 1.4.9).


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