On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Lawrence wrote:
> > nearly impossible to have both libc5 & libc6 version of the same package
> > unless everyone have 2 (1 libc5, 1 libc6) systems.
> Hmmm, I seem to have both libc4 and libc5 on my 1.3.1.  dpkg -l libc*
> shows:
> ii  libc4           4.6.27-15  The Linux C library version 4 (run-time libr
> ii  libc5           5.4.33-3   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
> ii  libc5-dev       5.4.33-3   The Linux C library version 5  (development f
> Is this a problem? Should I remove libc4?

no, and not unless you have no need to run old libc4 programs.

if you want, you can even install libc6 and be able to run programs from
hamm too.  there's a catch, though.  to install libc6 at the moment you have
to follow the instructions in the upgrading libc5 to libc6 mini HOWTO which
is posted here once per week.  

don't be put off by that catch, though....the procedure is painless and
straightforward.  you just have to install upgraded versions of certain
packages in a certain order.

*Running* libc6 based stuff is no problem. 

*Developing* for libc6 can be problematic if you want to compile stuff
for both libc5 and libc6 on the same machine - and even that isn't a big
deal...there's a documented, straight-forward procedure to follow.


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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