Hi All ;)

        Sorry to bother with such a basic question, but I am managing a
network in Brazil and I would like to be able to use accents. In order to
do so, I would like to use 'dead keys', but reading the HOWTOS and FAQS
helped enough for me not understanding what it meant... Could anybody
help me with this? I am using international layout keyboard (the usual
stuff) and the american map (us.map - I think). By the way, is there
anything else that I shall need to do to set the keyboard to my language?
(Portuguese-HOWTO didn't help at all...)

                Thanks a lot,


Daniel Doro Ferrante        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Manager              http://www.cecm.usp.br/~danieldf

CECM - Curso de Ciencias Moleculares - USP
       Course of Molecular Sciences - University of Sao Paulo

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