[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Phan) writes:

>   After my linux harddrive crashed and unrecoverable.  I've re-installed
>   Debian 1.3.1 on a new harddrive.  I've managed to configure the
>   new drive to have similar setup that I had in my previous drive.
>   However,  the innxmit in the get-news script always failed.

What does it complain about?  Check your /etc/news/hosts.nntp.

>   Secondly,  the 'suck' seems to be a lot slower than my previous
>   configuration.  I used to see it download news at 2300 - 2600 BPS.
>   Now,  I'm in the 1200 - 1900 BPS range.

Do you know what version the previous one was?

Between Debian 1.2 and 1.3, some changes were made to suck to "improve"
latency.  I'm not sure it worked very well.

>   Thirdly, I'd like to know exactly what is the PPP connection speed.
>   I _did_ have the "REPORT CONNECT" in the chat script but it always
>   return 38400.  My modem is 28.8.

There's an AT??? to make your modem report the speed of either the
connection from DTE to DCE (38400) or from DCE to DCE (28800 down).
Check your modem manual, or tell us what brand it is.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

kernel: Warning: possible SYN flooding. Sending cookies. 
kernel: validated probe(100007f, 100007f, 11557, 5010, -1645409555) 

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