On 26 Sep 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

> Sorry, guys, the saga goes on.
> Now that X is up and running again, there is only one (pretty annoying)
> problem:
> When placing, moving or resizing windows I don't see the typical
> window outlines.  All I see is the changed mouse cursor.
> I am using the latest fvwm95 from BO.  And in case it's important,
> here is my /etc/X11/XF86Config this time:  (comment lines stripped)


> Section "Screen"
>    Driver          "Accel"
>    Device          "ATI Graphics Pro Turbo"
>    Monitor         "MAG-MX17S"
>    DefaultColorDepth  16


Ah, I see. This is a problem I have had before. It is about Fvwm and
16-bit colordepth. You'll have to change a setting in your .fvwmrc or
system.fvwmrc. Try to add this somewhere:

---- cut here ----
# Colors are XOR'ed with this value when windows are moved with
# rubber-band outline.
# This value is 2^32 -1 which should normally be good and change all
# colors to 'negative', i.e. black to white vice versa.

XORvalue 4294967295
---- end cut ----

Do 'man fvwm95' for more info.

The same problem applies to Fvwm-2, as Fvwm95 is nothing more than Fvwm-2
with a special config file and some nice icons.


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