I having a little trouble setting up WU-FTPD and I'd appreciate it if
someone could help me.  Here's what I want to do:

anonymous users: <root=/home/ftp, 5 user max>
  /pub <read only>
  /users <not accessable, plus hidden if possible>

users in 'web' group: <root=/home/ftp, 10 user max>
  /pub <read only>
  /users <accessable, only the user's home dir is visable/accessable>
  /users/username <full permissions>

users in 'beta' group: <root=/home/beta, 10 user max>
  /beta <read only>
  /source <read only>
  /incoming <read, write only>

..and of course, the /bin, /lib, etc directories are in every class

Currently, I have my web users home directories in /home/web/initial/name.
I would like to have the ftp directory linked to the 'public_html'
directory under their home directory.

Thanks in advance,

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