On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> > Hi, 
> > 
> > Im using Debian Linux for about a year now. Is it true that there were
> > no updates in the stable non-free contrib files for 3 (in words: three)
> > months now? (I am using ftp.debian.org as ftp-server).
> Well, stable is called stable for one reason!
> But I think there have been updates, only as little as possible.
> We don't go about adding packages/updates to stable just becase
> a new version was released, we only do it to fix serious bugs.
> (Recently the samba bug for example, so the new samba package apparently
> already is in updates (or whatever the direectory is called)).

Yes, samba appeared Sep 28 on my mirror. But there are quite old things 
in bo-updates, too. Are these going to be finally included in bo? While 
they are only in bo-updates, they are inaccessible to dselect users.

    "The directory ../bo-updates contains potential fixes to 1.3, files
    that may become part of the next version of 1.3.  They are placed
    there so that they may be well tested before final inclusion."
    (from the READMEs in bo/bo-updates.)

> > dselect does not find any new file for Debian 1.3???? Or is there
> > something wrong with my linux...
> Maybe you didn't have any of packages installed that were
> updated (look at the changelog to see what changed).

Or, more likely, it's because all that's happened in the last three 
months is new boot disks and the removal of five packages.

> If you want new packages, go to "unstable" (and check out the libc6
> update FAQ frequently posted to debian-user). Note that problems
> with "unstable" should ideally be posted to debian-devel (an open list).

That's not really an option for those of us running production systems.

(But I do take on board that the developers are busy with libc6.)
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
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