If you have more than one PPP links, how linux decides which links to
send/receive packets?

Ralph Winslow wrote:
> See the attached for how I do it.  Creating /etc/ppp/chatscript.work
> and /etc/ppp/chatscript.isp and /etc/resolv.work and /etc/resolv.isp
> are left as an exercise for the reader. This could be simpler and
> less extensible or even more belt and suspenders than it currently
> is, but I think this strikes a nice balance.  YMMV
> On 01-Oct-97 Walter L. Preuninger II wrote:
> >
> >Is there a way to have more than one pppd configuration? Getting another
> >modem is not an option.
> >
> >What I would like is something along these lines:
> >       pon work
> >       poff
> >       pon internet
> >
> >where work has the ppp options/chatscript for dialing up the office, and
> >internet has the ppp options/chatscript for going online.
> >
> >I have poured over the PPP Howto, and could not find anything.
> >
> >Also, as a side note, mgetty can do autoPPP. mgetty also has a callback
> >utility. I have not tried this, but would it be possible for me to call
> >work, and have work call me back, bringing up a ppp connection?
> >
> >Which is more preferable, PAP or CHAP? Does PAP/CHAP eliminate the need
> >for callback(for security reasons)?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >- --
> >Walter L. Preuninger II                        waldo @ 
> >irc.wasteland.org:#unix
> >http://www.rapidramp.com/~walterp
> >
> >                  L  I  N  U  X  Where You Really Should Be!
> >
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> >
> >
> >--
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> Ralph Winslow                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The IQ of the group is that of the member
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