What is the relation between 'octave' and MIDI?

"Es geht auch anders, doch es geht auch so." (Berthold Brecht Dreigroschenoper)
 Egon Schmid, Grueninger Str. 6, 70599 Stuttgart
 Voice +49 711 453721 Data +49 711 453721 Fax +49 711 453721

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, David Stern wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Timothy Phan wrote:
> >   I'm in the middle of learning to play keyboard/piano.  I'd like to 
> >   know if there is any MIDI software on Linux that can help me.
> I don't have a keyboard recently, so I haven't got any tips on programs
> that would interest you.  Try a search for 'rose' and 'octave' in
> dselect, though. 
> David Stern

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