On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > > > how can i do to avoid that an user can make telnet to may host? (but I
> > > > must can do ftp,irc,http,etc)...I only want prohibit telnet.
> > > 
> > > Change shell for the users you want to forbid telnetting to /bin/true
> > > and add the line "/bin/true" into /etc/shells file.
> > > 
> > 
> > true?....what's true?  and simple word?
> > 
> > sorry, but i don't understand you well.
> Well, if you noticed, you've got a /bin/true binary the whole purporse
> of which is to return "true"  (zero exit code). If you specify this
> program as a user shell, the above user won't be able to gain shell
> access to his account, but will be able to ftp to it.

You can use /bin/true, but I prefer /bin/false. If you use /bin/false, the
user will get an error message, not just a 'Connection closed by foreign
host' message.

BTW: /bin/true and /bin/false are shell scripts on my system (Debian


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