My /var/log/messages file grows by leaps and bounds all because it keeps
getting the following message

Oct  7 16:54:03 vitasat kernel:         eth0 EtherII and eth0 802.2
Oct  7 16:54:21 vitasat kernel: IPX: Network number collision 53
Oct  7 16:54:21 vitasat kernel:         eth0 EtherII and eth0 802.2
Oct  7 16:54:25 vitasat kernel: IPX: Network number collision 53
Oct  7 16:54:25 vitasat kernel:         eth0 EtherII and eth0 802.2

over and over. Now I cannot find out where it comes from and how to
disable it and of course what it means. My connection seems to work fine.

Any help?
Daniel J. Mashao -- 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel

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