On Oct 09, Remco Blaakmeer wrote
> On Wed, 8 Oct 1997, Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> > Any ideas on how best to do this? I have installed a version of Socks5
> > and have symlink /usr/bin/ftp to point to /usr/bin/rftp. This works fine.
> > 
> > However dpkg-ftp doesn't work and dftp doesn't take into account what I
> > have set in dselect :-(
> If you choose the ftp method for dselect, be sure to answer `y' when
> dselect asks if you want to use passive ftp. Otherwise it won't work.

Thanks - I'm pretty sure I did this and it still couldn't connect. After
much tinkering around (and geting irritated that dpkg won't tell you
which programs have "installed" status), I have written a little script
to generate an ftp script.

This is the first time I've used awk, so it's probably not well written (but
it's un-intelligable enough!). Two problems at the moment, if "prefix" is
non-blank but without a trailing slash, then the script will be broken. Also
the script will download every occurance of the package in available. If you
just want the first occurance, put another set of braces around the "print"
statement and just before the new closing brace type:

; delete list[pkg]

# ensure prefix ends in a backslash (unless it is blank)
echo bin > $output
awk -v prefix=$prefix \
'func check() {if (get=="T") {list[pkg]=0; get="F"} else if (pkg in list) \
 print gensub("(.*)/([^/]*)$","cd \\1 \nget \\2",1,file) } \
BEGIN {get="F"} END {check()} \
/^Package: / {pkg=$2} \
/^Status: install/ {get="T"} \
/^Filename: / {file=$2} \
/^[:blank:]*$/ {check()}' /var/lib/dpkg/{status,available} >> $output


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