On Wed, Oct 08, 1997 at 02:08:35AM -0200, Nicola Bernardelli wrote:
>      I'm doing it just today, now I have it working with the awe 64 Gold
> (but still must pass via DOS and loadlin, see attachments for the problem
> I have here with isapnp;

Content-Description: isapnp-result.cat,the error message I get
> Board 1 has Identity 7f 08 3a 2a f0 9e 00 8c 0e:  CTL009e Serial No 138029808 
> [checksum 7f]
> Error occurred executing request 'LD 2' on or around line 60 --- further 
> action aborted

This problem is described in the isapnp-faq (it should really be included in
the debian package).

I quote it here (Nicola, does it work for you? Please tell me, for the HOWTO)
What does `Error occurred executing request 'LD 2' on or around line...''
mean ?

   This means that attempting to read back the logical device number failed.
   The specification is rather unclear on whether this is guaranteed to work,
   and in any event, it doesn't appear to work with some devices.

   There are two solutions:
    1. Get isapnp version 1.10 or later which supports VERIFYLD.
    2. Use direct register access to select the logical device. So instead
       of configuring each logical device as normal:

(CONFIGURE CTL009c/481377 (LD 0
... LD 0 settings
(ACT Y))
(LD 1
... LD 1 settings
(ACT Y))
(LD 2
... LD 2 settings
(ACT Y))
(LD 3
... LD 3 settings
(ACT Y))
   pretend they are all logical device 0, and then change the logical device
   by directly POKEing the logical device register (REGister 7).

(CONFIGURE CTL009c/481377 (LD 0
... LD 0 settings
(REG 7 (POKE 1) (PEEK)) # Set logical device 1, but no check
... LD 1 settings
(REG 7 (POKE 2) (PEEK)) # Set logical device 2, but no check
... LD 2 settings
(REG 7 (POKE 3) (PEEK)) # Set logical device 3, but no check
... LD 3 settings

another tip:
The configuration file must end in WAITFORKEY.

this is the most important hint:

Make sure that your isapnp.con contains the two lines i marked with ****
(CONFIGURE CTL0043/54664 (LD 2
#     ANSI string -->WaveTable<--

(IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
(IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))  # ****
(IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))  # ****

#     End dependent functions

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