On 10-Oct-97 C.L. Daugaard wrote:
>I thought all that was being asked for was a program to read WP files,
>not write them.  Even "M$" makes available a program to read MS Word
>C.L. Daugaard

It depends what you want to include in "read" and "WordPerfect files". If
you know the file will contain only text requiring ASCII characters, then
even "strings WPfile" will give it to you, admittedly in a form requiring
editing before it looks decent.

But once it may contain WP "specials" (other charsets, styles, figures,
equations, tables ... ) then a non-WP solution is at best rough and
ready. The same applies to MS Word documents (why, even MS word is
sometimes at best ropugh and ready for an MS Word document if it was
prepared on different version).

However, if you want to go down the "reader" road, then "wp2latex" could
be tried, and adapted for other-than-latex (e.g. to output plain text if
that is all that is required). It does a moderately good job on simple
documents, and may be adequate for the occasional one-off job. There is a
Linux port by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (zachary brown) of the DOS version
which is on
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/tex/ctan/support/wp2latex and
I can send a copy if required. However, I have yet to see a "reader"
which does a clean job on a WordPerfect document.

Similar remarks apply to MS Word "readers" ("word2x", "catdoc" etc).

Best wishes,
E-Mail: Ted Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Oct-97                                       Time: 01:14:01

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