> Simon Karpen wrote:
> Looking around, I notice I have a lot of WD drives:
> 4GB, 4 months old
> 1.6GB, 1 year old *
> 1.6GB, 2.5 years old
> 800MB, approx 4 years old (got second hand)
> 200MB, 5 years old
> * This drive isn't on 24/7. All the rest are, and most have been for their 
> entire lifespan.

     Do you mean they spin 24/7, that they do not power down
after a period of inactivity?  I have been wondering whether
letting the drives power down (as mine do at the moment) or
having them not power down is better for their longevity.
Also, whether running 24/7 or running just perhaps 14 hours
a day is better.  Anyone have any opinions or data about

  -- Frank

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