> I'd like to be able to run xdm to start X but it seems that it starts
> in some wrong mode. I believe when I originaly installed debian, it
> asked me if I wanted to use xdm to start x and it recommended it. Is
> there a script or some parameters I can pass to have xdm start X in the
> same mode that startx -- -bpp 16 does?  
In /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers there should be a line like
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X 

put -bpp 8 at the end of it.  Debian resets this file sometimes.
I don't think it should, but I couldn't work out which one did it.

It's wierd that putting that in makes the X display readable, as all that
does is change the number of colours you have in a display.  Perhaps the
XF86Config is not quite right for your hardware?

  - Craig

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