Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, David S. Zelinsky wrote:

> I went to build a custom kernel with make-kpkg, and noticed the option
> to build a `zimage' kernel, instead of `bzimage' kernel ("the default").
> But I can't find any documentation anywhere of what the difference is
> between these two.  I've looked in the Kernel-HOWTO, and in all the
> documentation in /usr/src/linux.
> So, can someone explain what `bzimage' is, and why I might or might not
> want it?  Thanks.

bzimage can be used for a larger kernel image than zimage.  Some old boot
loaders can't handle it (though the latest version of lilo and loadlin
can).  There is also a problem booting them on some laptops.  For the most
part, it doesn't matter though.

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