On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Mario Filipe wrote:

>       Hi
>       I have installed netscape 4.03 (non debianized)!
>       When i run it i get a list of errors like 
>       /usr/lib/netscape/pluggins/....jar is not an ELF file ...
>       Has anyone seen this before ? How is it solved

I saw this error, but that was because I had done something incorrect in
the install.  Basically, what I had done was move around all of the java
support files (these *.jar files) so that they'd appear in the classpath
(because when I first did the install, Netscape wouldn't load java and
complained that such-and-such a file wasn't in the classpath).  I suspect
that you did something similar, and that not only does java still not
work, but now you've got this error.

The fix I found was the following:

Make certain that all the *.jar files are in
/usr/lib/netscape/java/classes/ (I _hope_ that's the right name; not being
at my system at the moment, I'm guessing a bit).  This is where the debian
netscape4 installer package stuffs them, and should be where the netscape
installer put them if you told it to install in /usr/lib/netscape. 

This gets rid of the errors, but java still doesn't work.

To get java working, instead of the symbolic link that the debian package
creates, put the following script in /usr/X11R6/bin
export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape

(Or I suppose you could define MOZILLA_HOME in your /etc/profile, or even
put /usr/lib/netscape in your path)

Moving the *.jar files to the proper directory and using this script to do
netscape works for me - no errors (well, not any I don't expect) and java

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