   I'm trying to install debian in a umsdos partition (it's for my father,
which cannot repartition the hard-disk). This my plan:
1) install doslinux in /dev/hda1 (DOS partition);
2) go to my Linux system in /dev/hdc1;
3) mount -tumsdos /dev/hda1 /mnt;
4) rm -r /mnt/linux/*;
5) cd /mnt/linux;
6) gzip -cd ~/debian.tar.gz | tar -xf -; (debian.tar.gz is a debian base system
7) put the doslinux kernel zimage.dos in the new linux system and modify the
loadlin script supplied with doslinux.
8) edit /etc/fstab etc.
9) go to DOS and make a ZIP archive of /linux
10) deZIP the archive over the hard-disk of my father.

but after step 6, I've a problem:
if I go to dos and call loadlin the kernel start, begin to mount the
filesystem and then it hang; this happen before of the INIT message.

With doslinux the system start normally. I've used a debia 1.3 system.
Can anyone en-light me on the problem?

Please CC the answer to me: I cannot stand the mail traffic of



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