Matt Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> An old problem cropped up, tho.  I don't have colors in my xterms anymore.
> My xsysinfo has colors just fine, but not my xterms.  I never had to
> adjust anything with bo (except to edit /etc/profile with alias ls="ls
> --color", which I've done).

In one of your Xresources files (~/.Xresources if you have
"allow-user-resources" set in /etc/X11/config, add

        XTerm*customization: -color

and you should be ok.

 Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "It isn't that they can't see the solution. 
  It is that they can't see the problem." --G. K. Chesterton

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