> Hey.
> I've been doing lots of programming lately and have noticed (how could I
> not) that I am reliably able to cause my machine to lockup.
> [Delete some lines]
> open a document in xfte that is several pages long.
> Quickly scroll through it using the page up and page down keys.
> In as little time as a minute I'm able to lock the machine solid --
> no disk access, nothing.  

You are running that under X?  Can you try a remote login or use an
external terminal?  Maybe this application just blocks all mouse and
key events from X so you can't even Zap it or switch to another
console.  But login via terminals or network still works.  I don't
know xfte, maybe this is a Motif application which are quite
vulnerable to this bug (as Motif is quite buggy here).

I have seen that behaviour with Netscape (3.01, I think) and
Staroffice (both statically linked with Motif), but unreproducable.
Netscape 4.03 even crashed my X completely (quitting it) one times.


"And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space.
 Because there's bugger all down here on Earth"
                                            Monthy Python, Galaxy Song
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