I ftp'd the debian gimp package from the maintainer's site.  I had to
install a detailed list of upgrades to be sure it would work.  I THINK I
installed them all right(!?!).  

But, while The GIMP runs, it won't load any file.  

I didn't install any new gimp-data package.  I liked the non-free gimp far
more than the less recent one in hamm; I am upgrading in hopes of the return
of functionality lost due to the changes in widget sets.

By the way, I just compiled emacs 20.2 right out of the box, and it runs
fine.  Using the old libc5 development libraries.  

Alan Davis

"I consider that the golden rule requires       Alan E. Davis            
that if I like a program I must share it        Marianas High School    
with other people who like it"                  AAA196, Box 10001       
                                                Saipan, MP  96950       
             ---Richard Stallman                Northern Mariana Islands

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