On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 12:25:56PM -1000, Jimen Ching wrote:
> 2.  To the users, it's so pitiful that users of a distribution is so
> quick to kick out a DEVELOPER just because he disagrees with the leader.

Please notice that Dave Cinege is NOT a debian developer. He does not
maintain a package and never did. He does work on a router project that uses
debian as a basis, and he did contribute to debian-user, asking questions of
other users.

But he is not "official" involved in Debian, if there isn't something I
don't know.

> As a user, I must laugh at some of the criticisms.  Spelling mistakes?
> Use of initials instead of the full name?  These are reasons for ignoring
> a complaint?  It is scary to find out that this type of group can decide
> who becomes a developer for debian and who doesn't.

It seems to me that you missed the long thread on debian-devel a while ago,
where dave has used uglier things than common four letter words to express
his opinion :( I can post you this thread, it is only slightly larger than
one megabyte...
> I should mention that this is not the first time there was disagreement in
> the Debian project.  I remember in the beginning that Bruce and RMS also
> had a disagreement.  Fortunately, that was resolved.  I hope this one gets
> resolved as well.  Unlike others, I do see some problems with the
> distribution and improvements can be made.  Dave, I don't know what kind

I use Debian since a year only, but I think the disagreement between the FSF
and Debian is in no way comparable to the rantings of dc.

> of contributions you make to debian.  But if it is in the dpkg program,
> then I hope you can continue to improve it.  If you do branch off into
> another distribution (great, yet another distribution), then dpkg is the
> first program you should improve.

As I stated above, dc is not a debian developer, and I doubt that he can
improve dpkg. As Ian(?) stated a while ago, everyone who has a small idea of
the way dpkg works, disappears from this world :)

For dpkg: Bruce is pretty sure that all distributions will use ANSI packages

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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