On Sun, 26 Oct 1997 12:25:56 -1000 (HST), Jimen Ching wrote:

>First off, I am not a developer of Debian packages and thus do not know
>how Bruce Perens manages the distribution.  But basically I have two
>1.  To DC, your first mistake was to post your request to all of the
>debian lists.  The problem with this is that this is a developers' issue,
>not a users' issue. 

My orginal post was to all list because it concerned everyone involved in the 
project. (Removal of project leader)

>2.  To the users, it's so pitiful that users of a distribution is so
>quick to kick out a DEVELOPER just because he disagrees with the leader.

You're going to get a lot of flack over this. See I'm not a developer. Why? I'm 
allowed to be. But don't worry this catch 22 does nothing to prevent other 
developers that are *allowed* by Bruce from pointing the finger at me for not 
a developer.

>As a user, I must laugh at some of the criticisms.  Spelling mistakes?
>Use of initials instead of the full name?  These are reasons for ignoring
>a complaint?  It is scary to find out that this type of group can decide
>who becomes a developer for debian and who doesn't.

That's the point, let it be known. I am done with it and debian.

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