On Sun, 26 Oct 1997 23:54:15 +0100, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

>On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 12:25:56PM -1000, Jimen Ching wrote:
>> 2.  To the users, it's so pitiful that users of a distribution is so
>> quick to kick out a DEVELOPER just because he disagrees with the leader.
>Please notice that Dave Cinege is NOT a debian developer.

See what I mean....

Convenently left out is I would be maintaining packages, as well writing a new 
system package, if I was allowed to. I was also going to open a crypto mirror, 
Bruce made it clear it to would not be recognized.

>It seems to me that you missed the long thread on debian-devel a while ago,
>where dave has used uglier things than common four letter words to express
>his opinion :( I can post you this thread, it is only slightly larger than
>one megabyte...

Where the same lynching immedatly began, and I made the mistake of responding 
too. Many of the same people, including Marcus, started the fireworks back then 

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