David Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> With deselect, I have the Access with ftp with right directory and all then I
> pick update which download new packages files from dists/unstable/main,
> non-free, and contrib like the way it should. But when I do Install I get this
> messages:
> Processing status file...
> Processing Package files...
> Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/main distribution (re-run 
> Update)
> Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/contrib distribution (re-run
> Update)
> Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/non-free distribution (re-run
> Update)
> Constructing list of files to get...
> Approximate total space required: 0k
> Available space in /debian: 109334k
> Nothing to get.

If I recall properly, I had this problem at one point and solved by
upgrading to a newer dpkg-ftp.  Try downloading the newest version
from hamm with a regular ftp program and installing with `dpkg -i'.
Then re-run Update and Install and see if that fixes the problem.
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