The 'Applications' choice is under Preferences->Navigator(click on the
arrow!)->Applications.  Then change the RealAudio setup (or add a new
one if it isn't there) with 
 Description: RealPlayer 5.0 Beta
 MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
 Suffixs: .ra,.ram,.rm
 Application: /[THE PATH OF REALPLAYER]/rvplayer %s

As well, for some reason this setup only works on my computer when I
run netscape from my home directory (as opposed to my OpenLook menus


Jonah Beckford
Bob wrote:

This isn't particularly Debian-specific.  My apologies for being off

I finally broke down and installed Netscape (Communicator 4.03) on my
Debian system.  I also downloaded the RealAudio player (5.0 beta version).
The problem is getting Netscape to recognize the player or any other
plug-in for that manner.

Supposedly, in 4.0, you choose Prefences from the Edit menu.  In
Prefences, you then select Navigator -> Applications.  Well, there is no
'Applications' choice there or anywhere else that I can find.

Any clues where to edit?  I presume ~/.netscape/preferences is the correct
file.  However, I'm not familiar enough with Netscape to know what to add.
Any help would be welcome.  Thanks.


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