Ed Donovan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:

> It might still be a good candidate for some work; the package is 
> version 2.2, and MRTG 2.3 has been out for a while now.

Looks like we have the inevitable bit of duplication going on...

I've got a (~) package of MRTG-2.4 that I made for my own use a short
while ago.  Since it's compiled against libc5 I've not wanted to UL it.

FWIW I've got mrtg "cooperating" with diald; mrtg watches /dev/sl0 when
the link is down & /dev/ppp0 when the link is up.
                                       _ _                  
Steve Kostecke                        | (_)_ __  _   ___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    | | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
http://www.mindspring.com/~stk3       | | | | | | |_| |>  < 
...the choice of a GNU generation     |_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\

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