I am trying to install Debian on an EISA wide SCSI machine.  When the
resc1440.bin kernel boots (no boot parameters), it gets to the aic7xxx
section and properly detects the SCSI controller (Adaptec AHA 2740),
resets the SCSI bus, then panics with this message: 

aic7xxx: (aicxxx_isr) Encountered spurious interrupt
scsi0: BRKADRINT error (0x1):
  Illegal Host Access
Kernel panic: scsi0: BRKADRINT, error 0x1, seqaddr 0x0.

It's a dual processor motherboard, but only one processor is installed, 
for what that's worth.  The controller is on IRQ 15, which I am going to 
try to change right now.

In the meantime, any explanations and/or solutions would be appreciated. 
I hope that I have provided the necessary details; if not, please ask.  I
checked the SCSI HOWTO and for kicks tried "linux aha274x=extended" as a
boot parameter, but same error. 

Thank you, 
Rikki Hall


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