
I recently upgraded to libc6 and bash 2.01-5 using the libc6 Mini-HOWTO
(thanks Scott, I had no problems doing the upgrade).

I understand the upgraded version of bash is supposed to fix problems
with Netscape helpers, and one of the things I thought the upgrade would
do for me is fix a problem I've been having using RealAudio.

It seems I saw something related to this on the list a while back, but
I didn't save it.

When I click on a RealAudio file on a website, I get a little window
containing something like:

   |           Netscape: subprocess diagnostics (stdout/stderr)           |
   |                                                                      |
   |   sh: raplayer/tmp/M03456D8F28071051.ram: No such file or directory  |
   |                                                                      |
   |                               +------+                               |
   |                               |  OK  |                               |
   |                               +------+                               |
   |                                                                      |

I tried creating a raplayer/tmp directory in my $HOME directory, but no

I run a 486 so I'm stuck with the 3.0 version of RealAudio, and I know I
could upgrade Netscape but version 3.01 works fine for me in all other
respects so I don't feel I need to.

Any thoughts or ideas on the problem would be appreciated.



BTW, major kudos to the Debian developers for such a wonderful product!


  Ken Lauffenburger          / /                    __  __
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         / /  D e b i a n  G N U \ \/ /
                           / /     __  ____   __  __ \  /
                          / /     / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
  ...Look out Bill,      / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
     here comes...      (______)(_/ (_/ (_/ \____/ (_/  \_)

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