hi all,

(This is from a newbie, but i've checked this list's archives of the last two
months -- as well as the postings for the last two days -- to ensure that
no-one has mentioned this before. If otherwise, i apologize.)

i got the August '97 version of the Infomagic 6-CD set. It claims to have
Debian 1.3.1 & kernel 2.0.30, but it clearly has the Debian 1.3 & kernel
2.0.29. (This is confirmed by running uname, by the output of the X server, and
by the output of the boot sequence, and by ....) Infomagic suggests that the
master disk which they received from debian was incorrect.

  This is purely FYI and is *my* observation alone -- so take it with as many
grains of salt as you see fit. I am informing people in order to save some
folks the hassels which i went thru -- i needed the very _latest_ Mach64 X


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