On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Larry Gariepy wrote:

> Hello.
>    I am mailing a message that I posted earlier on the newsgroup because a
> friend of mine informed me that many people subscribe to the list but do
> not check the newsgroup that often.
> -------------------------------------
> I am a new Debian user.  With a great deal of help from a friend (read:
> he installed and debugged it for me), I now have Debian Linux 1.3.1 on
> my Pentium 233.   It is set up as a dual boot machine, with Win95.
> My problem is that X Windows doesn't seem to recognize my mouse, though
> it works under Win95, and you even get a mouse cursor when logged in to
> a vt100 terminal.  The mouse is just a standard Microsoft serial mouse.
> If anyone has had this problem, or even if you haven't and know how to
> fix it, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I had a similar problem: a three-button mouse that was recognised by X as
a two-button mouse, though it worked correctly in text mode (with gpm).
The trick here is, that gpm can export the mouse device so that X can use

To do this, add the '-R' option to then 'append' line in /etc/gpm.conf,
like this:
You can do this manually or with the 'gpmconfig' program.

Then you will have to make the /dev/gpmdata fifo, like this:
# cd /dev
# mkfifo gpmdata

Then, configure X to use a Mouse Systems mouse attatched to /dev/gpmdata.
Restart gpm and X and see if it works.


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